Flowers that failed to bloom

In the meadow's hidden nooks,

Where sparrows shared their secret looks,

He glimpsed a spectacle so rare,

As if heaven itself ignited the air!

With cautious steps on the unearthly field,

Through grass that whispered, a beautiful yield,

Past the swan-filled lake's serene embrace,

He felt a dream, a surreal space.

Before him, a vision began to take shape,

An essence pristine, draped in a mysterious cape,

He reached out, uncertainty in the air,

A fragrant breeze, a welcome affair.

Then, a blink, and he stood alone in the dawn,

The enchanting scene, like a mirage, was gone,

Emotions stirred, a gaze to the sky,

Love lingered faintly, a memory passing by.

Falling once more, he smiled, reflections cast,

A solace for a soul that seemed outlast,

"Were not all songs, with a touch of gloom,

Odes to flowers that failed to bloom?"




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